Dental caries are corroded areas found in the tooth enamel that turn into tiny holes and further damage the tooth and the gum line. It is a typical oral problem that occurs when the external layers of the teeth begin to disintegrate due to the acids in the foods a person eats and may cause problems with a person’s dental health.

Here’s how to prevent dental caries

    • Tooth brushing and Flossing – The most ideal approach to avoid dental caries is to keep up with your dental hygiene. Brushing will eliminate any bacteria on the tooth’s enamel. Likewise, patients should keep in mind to brush for approximately 3 minutes to eliminate the microbes during the beginning of the day and before going to sleep. Additionally, flossing will help to maintain the teeth clean. It eliminates plaque and pieces of food that got stuck in between the teeth or in the corners of the mouth that the toothbrush cannot reach.
    • Rinsing teeth basically twice daily.
    • Use mouthwash one time per day – An alcohol-free mouthwash or a mouthwash with fluoride will aid in the prevention of dental caries. Nevertheless, it is recommended to rinse with mouthwash after lunch or during the evening. You ought not to eat nor drink for at least 30 minutes after using a mouthwash.
    • Dental Sealants – Sealing kids’ teeth is also one of the most ideal approaches to avoid dental caries during childhood, especially since children often eat sugary foods.
    • Avoid Smoking – Smoking can not only bring harm to your respiratory system but also to your mouth. It can result in tooth loss, gum disease, and even Oral Cancer.
    • Lower your Sugar intake – You ought to be aware of your eating regimen. By restricting your sugar consumption and unhealthy foods, you can significantly lessen the possibility of having dental caries. Eating sweet foods and drinking beverages is alright at times, however not too often. Additionally, it is useful to have menu plans and shop according to your needs.
    • Organic food varieties – These types of foods are better for your teeth since they are cultivated without pesticides.
    • Frequent Cleaning at the Dental Office – Visit your dental specialist to ensure and quickly remove any potential tooth decay from becoming worse.
    • Drink Fluoridated water – Drinking water with fluoride will help prevent dental cavities. TAP water is also good.
    • Cut down on Acidic drinks – Beverages that contain acids such as coffee and tea can lead to the breakage of the tooth enamel. It is advised to lessen your intake of these types of drinks and rinse your mouth right away after drinking them.

A severe cavity can cause a tooth to get infected and may require steps relieve any pain.

Schedule an appointment

According to National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, “26% of adults 20 to 64 have untreated decay.”
