The application of dental sealants is a common practice to stop tooth decay. Dental sealants shield front teeth with cingulum pits, back teeth with fissures, and teeth with recesses on their biting surfaces. Applying sealant is a quick and easy process that only needs a minute to dry.

Harbor Smiles and Dr. Manali Patel have 6 years of experience in this procedure.

What are Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants are utilized to prevent potential cavities in the grooves of the teeth. A particular acid is used to demineralize the enamel surface before being covered in a resin that hardens when polymerized with a specific light during a sealant technique.

What are Dental Sealants made of?

  • Composite resin – Dental sealants are created using composite resin, a tooth-colored material. It is widely used to protect teeth against decay and harm to the enamel. However, frequent or extended contact with foods like coffee, tea, red wine, and other stains can cause composite resin sealants to discolor.
  • Glass Ionomer Sealants – Glass Ionomer Sealant is a hydrophilic dental sealant material. Glass Ionomer Sealants are not as moisture sensitive as the hydrophobic resin material. It offers an alternative treatment for wet conditions in the oral cavity. However, the material is much weaker than other filling materials and prone to quick wear and tear.

How do Dental Sealants work?

  1. The teeth that will get dental sealants are meticulously cleaned, and the region is then covered with cotton to keep it dry.
  2. A specific solution is applied to the enamel surface to aid the sealant’s adhesion to the teeth.
  3. The teeth are then rinsed and dried.
  4. Deep grooves or depressions are meticulously filled with sealant material before being painted onto the enamel surface.
  5. Depending on the type of sealant used, the substance will either harden automatically or with a specific curing light.

Make an Appointment with Dr. Manali Patel at Harbor Smiles to see if you need Dental Sealants.

* FREE Dental Sealants Consultation ($100 Value)

* FREE Digital X-rays especially for Sealants ($150 Value)

* We Maximize your Insurance so you pay less out of pocket.

* 0% Interest Financing for 18 months

Dr. Manali Patel at Harbor Smiles will guide you through the entire process and show how you can maintain and prolong your dental sealants.

How long does it take for Dental Sealants to dry?

A dental sealant only requires a minute to dry with a curing light. Before it fully hardens, the sealant’s resin will still be liquid, allowing your dentist to apply it precisely.

How long do Dental Sealants last?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claim that dental sealants protect against 80% of cavities for two years. For up to 4 years, sealants can continue to prevent 50% of cavities.

What are the Pros and Cons of Dental Sealants?

Pros of Getting Dental Sealants

  • Dental sealants help prevent cavities.
  • Dental sealants are quick and painless to apply.
  • Dental sealants cost less than fillings.

Cons of Getting Dental Sealants

  • They might seal in decay if tooth decay already exists.
  • They are optional and so represent an additional cost.
  • They don’t last forever.

How much does a Dental Sealant Cost?

Costs for dental sealants range from $30 to $60 per tooth. Some insurance or discount options may decrease that cost.

FAQs for Dental Sealants

Are Dental Sealants Safe?

The use of dental sealants is safe. Dental sealants have been approved by the American Dental Association (ADA) as safe for both children and adults.

Can Adults Get Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants are beneficial for adults, yes. Sealants protect the region from food and plaque, preventing cavities in the mouth's hard-to-reach areas. Although premolar and molar pits and fissures are often associated with children and adolescents because of the risk of decay, sealants can also benefit adults.