Many individuals opt to live with having an overbite and not fix it. The late rock star Freddie Mercury, for example, elected to preserve and appreciate his significant overbite. For others, addressing this problem is just to enhance occlusion (dentistry) that will boost their visual look. But others may need to treat it to prevent consequences such as jaw disorders and damage to the teeth and gums.

What is an Overbite? | What Causes Buck Teeth? | Types of Overbites | What issues does Buck teeth cause? | Fixing Buck Teeth

What is an Overbite?

An overbite or buck teeth develops when the top teeth jut out too far beyond the lower teeth. Most individuals have at least a little overbite, and it isn’t very obvious, nor does it damage their biting or dental health.

When the problem is very serious, it may cause irreversible damage to the teeth and temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Severe buck teeth may also radically change the face shape that can lead to psychological disorders and poor self-esteem.Our dentist at Harbor Smiles help straightened your teeth and get rid of overbite for good.

What Causes Buck Teeth?

The reason is frequently inherited and may often be carried through generations, although there are external influences that can compel the teeth to shift.

Thumb Sucking

It is natural for a child to suck their thumb, but if it persists into three or four years of age and when their permanent teeth are growing, the pressure created by sucking the finger might cause the permanent teeth to come in at an incorrect angle.


Sucking a pacifier may cause it the same way that thumb sucking does. According to the 2016 Journal of the American Dental Association, pacifier usage increases the risk of malocclusion.


When the tongue pushes far forward in the mouth, it typically compels the teeth to shift forward. This commonly results in an open bite malocclusion, however it may occasionally generate buck teeth.

Teeth Grinding

Many individuals tend to grind their teeth without being aware of it. It is fairly normal for the teeth to grind during sleep. Bruxism is typically the source of an overbite which may subsequently lead to significant discomfort in the jaw and head region. Teeth grinding may also contribute to early deterioration of the tooth enamel that eventually causes tooth decay.

Missing or Impacted Teeth

The spacing or crowding of the teeth may influence the Bite Alignment of the front teeth. Missing a tooth or two permits the remaining teeth to move over time, changing the position of your teeth. Read about gap in teeth.

Not having enough room to fit the teeth may potentially create alignment difficulties.


Some individuals are born with uneven jaw or a tiny upper or lower jaw. An overbite is inherited and if your parents, siblings, or relatives have one, you may also have one as well.

Tumors and cysts of the mouth or jaw

Tumors and cysts in the mouth or jaw may impair the alignment of your teeth and the form of your mouth and jaw. This happens when prolonged swelling or development in the soft tissue or bones in the top portion of the mouth might cause the jaw to slip forward.

Additionally, continuous nail biting and chewing of hard things such as pen, pencil, or other items may create overbite.

Types of Overbites

Horizontal – This occurs when the top teeth protrude over the bottom teeth.

Vertical – It occurs when the upper teeth greatly overlap the lower teeth.

It is conceivable that a patient to present the indications of both vertical and horizontal overbite. It might alternatively be classed as dental or skeletal. It is dental when the teeth are causing buck teeth. A skeleton is when the jaw is the cause for the problem. Know about porcelain treatment.

What issues does Overbites can cause?

This condition if left untreated may cause a plethora of problems including loss of teeth, crowding difficulties, trouble with flossing and brushing, discomfort while eating, crossbite, headaches, gum disease or periodontal disease. It involves proper dental care and frequent check ups to guarantee that your mouth remains healthy. Learn about jaw shifting.

Fixing Buck Teeth/Treatment for Overbite

Generally, you will be through orthodontics therapy since medicine alone won’t be able to cure it. In youngsters, it is simpler to cure since a child’s jaw is still in its formative phases. Adults, on the other hand, will have a hard time as if you had gone up to this age without any therapy. It will have more severe symptoms.

In any scenario, the professional will evaluate the region and propose treatment choices. These therapies may endure for two years or potentially longer. Read about hidden procedure for teeth.

Here are dentistry treatments your orthodontist (one of the various medical specialties)may recommend:


  • Removal of the baby teeth to allow place for the permanent ones to develop.
  • Growth modification device to properly align the jaw.
  • Traditional Braces
  • Retainer (orthodontics)


  • Braces – the best strategy to fix this situation.
  • Tooth extraction – your orthodontist may attempt to prevent this surgery and will only propose if the condition is extremely bad.
  • Surgery – for skeletal-type issues, surgery is suggested.

Harbor Smiles can help treat your overbite and get you the smile you always wanted.

Don’t live with an overbite when there are choices accessible to you. Schedule an appointment now and discover what it takes to have you smiling your brightest and enjoying good dental health.