A toothache is a pain in the tooth, gums, or jaw caused by infections, decay, tooth removal, or nerve irritation. Tooth pain is prevented by maintaining good oral hygiene. Setting regular appointments with a dentist protects your teeth against issues that result in excruciating toothaches.

What Does a Toothache Refer to?

A toothache is described as mild to severe pain in the tooth, gums, or jaw. Tooth pain comes from infection, dental decay, tooth extraction, or tooth nerve damage. Preventing toothache is possible with good dental hygiene. You need to see a dentist for excruciating Pain in Tooth that persists for more than two days.

8 Ways for Cleaning Teeth to Prevent Toothaches

Toothaches are avoided by cleaning the teeth, gums, tongue, and mouth properly. Regular visits to the dentist ensure that your teeth are in good condition.

Here are the 8 cleaning tips for your teeth to prevent toothaches.

  1. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day to prevent plaque buildup. Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste to maintain enamel strength.
  2. Flossing your teeth to dislodge food fragments caught in between teeth. Floss your teeth at least once every day.
  3. Using a non-alcoholic mouthwash aids in eliminating any leftover toothache-causing bacteria. A mouthwash with fluoride adds strength to your teeth.
  4. Using a tongue scraper removes any remaining food particles and bacteria that are left over from brushing. Clean your tongue at least once a day.
  5. Eating a balanced diet and getting enough water helps to maintain strong teeth. Eat fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber instead of sugary food. Staying hydrated throughout the day helps to cleanse the mouth.
  6. Using fluoride protects you from tooth decay. Fluoride is commonly found in toothpaste and mouthwash. Getting fluoride treatments at the dentist is another way to strengthen your teeth.
  7. Using a dental sealant adds another layer of protection to your teeth. A dentist applies a dental sealant to the teeth to create a protective coating against plaque buildup.
  8. Visiting the dentist every 6 months ensures you get a professional thorough cleaning of your teeth. Your dentist evaluates your teeth and tells you if you need any extra procedures to prevent tooth pain.

When to Set a Dental Appointment for Your Toothache?

A dental visit is needed if a severe toothache persists for longer than two days. Extreme tooth pain is a sign of a dental problem that needs immediate treatment. Here at Harbor Smiles, we treat Severe Tooth Pain and other dental issues. Schedule An Appointment with us if you need treatment for a terrible toothache.