How To Care For Teeth VeneersDental veneers are protective shells that conceal any chips, stains, or faults in your teeth to improve their appearance. The most important dental veneer care is to practice regular dental hygiene. With proper oral hygiene, the American Dental Association states that dental veneers can last up to ten years.

How to take care of Dental Veneers?

To take good care of your dental veneers, you must maintain good oral hygiene. Use fluoride toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash to brush your teeth twice a day. Avoid chewing on hard things and overindulging in sweets. Avoid eating or drinking anything that stains, such as dark coffee or red wine. Additionally, you must avoid smoking because your veneers will be harmed.

Keep good oral hygiene habits

It is crucial that you keep up proper oral hygiene after getting veneers. Your natural teeth will remain susceptible to wear, cavities, and erosion if your dental health is not properly managed. You are still vulnerable to gum disease even after receiving veneers. Use fluoride toothpaste, floss your teeth once a day, and use mouthwash to prevent gum disease. Gel toothpaste with fluoride is advised for porcelain veneers.

Protect teeth if playing sports

It is imperative to keep your veneers secure while participating in sports. Be sure to wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth if you participate in any contact sport. Use an enamel-strengthening toothpaste if you swim competitively. Acidic swimming pools with low PH levels may corrode the enamel on your teeth.

Visit your dentist frequently

Keep visiting your dentist frequently after you’ve had veneers placed to keep your teeth healthy. The dentist will be able to check if there are any problems that you may have not noticed with your dental veneers.

Avoid eating hard materials or food

After wearing veneers, prevent eating anything tough or fibrous. Veneers may shatter if you chew on something really hard. Beware of chewing ice, eating fresh vegetables, and biting a pencil. Chewing on something causes a lot of pressure that can lead to damage to your veneers.

Don’t eat foods and drinks that cause discoloration

Avoid consuming any foods or beverages that can discolor your veneers. Stop drinking dark drinks including coffee, dark wines, and berry juices. Tomato-based sauces, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, and any sweets that are sticky will discolor your veneers.

Prevent clenching and grinding your teeth.

Be careful not to clench or grind your teeth after receiving veneers. Avoid the bruxism habit, which involves the clenching, grinding, or forward movement of the jaw. Under the persistent strain of teeth grinding, your veneers could crack, chip, or fall off.

Stop Smoking

Avoid smoking after getting veneers. Smoking causes the veneer bonding material to eventually turn brown or yellow over time. Smoking will darken your teeth and harm their health.

What to expect after getting Dental Veneers?

You can suffer from tooth sensitivity and gum irritation after obtaining veneers. Your mouth may be irritated due to bonding agents used in the veneer. After receiving veneers, you may have a bit of difficulty in eating, speaking, and chewing. You should get used to the sensation of veneers after a few weeks.

What is the healing process for Dental Veneers?

Tooth sensitivity and gum soreness are common issues after veneer treatment. You can eat soft foods after an hour following your procedure. You have to make sure that the anesthetic has completely worn off before eating. You may need a few weeks to adjust to your dental veneers and for any mild sensitivity to entirely go away. How thoroughly you brush, floss, and take care of your mouth will determine the health of your veneers and the natural teeth that support them.

Which foods can you consume while wearing Dental Veneers?

After a few weeks with your veneers in place, you can eat almost whatever you like. However, it is recommended that you stick to soft foods that won’t stain or damage your teeth. For the first two weeks after getting veneers, you should only eat soft foods. It is ideal to eat mashed potatoes, bananas, and soft bread after getting veneers.

What foods should people who have dental veneers avoid?

Avoid eating hard foods that could damage your veneers. Make sure to refrain from chewing on ice or other items like pencils or your fingernails. Avoid eating anything sticky, such as caramel, raw vegetables, and candies, which can destroy the veneers’ bonding substance.

How do you clean your teeth under dental veneers?

Just as you would without the veneers, you must maintain good dental hygiene and keep your teeth clean. Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss, and use mouthwash to maintain good oral health.

Dr. Manali Patel at Harbor Smiles is a dentist who specializes in dental veneers. Dr. Manali Patel ensures that patients will leave his office with a better, brighter smile.